There are many ways you can take CBD to best benefit you. That’s another excellent characteristic of the hemp-derived cannabinoids—They aren’t one-size-fits-all. While the somewhat-standard CBD dosage suggestions work for some consumers, others are finding more relief with CBD micro-dosing.
Micro-dosing isn’t a new term. The method was coined by Dr. Albert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist who synthesized LSD. Other than adopting the name for plant-based cannabinoids, there’s nothing psychedelic about the chemicals derived from industrial hemp. Taking several small doses can help reduce these feelings quickly.
Additionally, by using smaller doses, you’re reducing the chances of side effects. Although they’re limited and mostly mild, consumers can experience moodiness, sleepiness, and nausea with higher doses of CBD. The best explanation for this method comes from Dr. Douglas Jorgensen, the founder of Patient 360,
“. . . micro-dosing, in general, is a means to manipulate the receptors and gain a desired physiologic response with less drug.”
Many consumers use CBD to reduce the unpleasant and often debilitating feelings from anxiety and to help reduce their overall stress levels. Unlike other reasons for taking CBD, stressful events can cause anxiousness to skyrocket quickly, and much of the time, these situations can occur multiple times throughout the day.
Researchers have found,
“In the present review, we included both experimental laboratory animal and human studies that have investigated the putative anti-panic properties of CBD. Taken together, the studies assessed clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD in both animal models and healthy volunteers.”
A single drop of oil or puff from your vape device has the potential to stop those feelings in their tracks and help you get back on the right path.
It’s essential to maintain focus during weight training. One of the potential benefits of CBD is helping with mental tasks, such as attention and memory. Too much of that tincture, vape juice, or even a full gummy could have unintended results, such as drowsiness, which could limit your exercise session.
However, a small amount of the cannabinoid before you get started could assist with keeping your mind and body in top shape. In a world full of distractions, everyone could use a little support from the all-natural, plant-based wellness oil. Achieve your fitness goals by working smarter and harder.
Following an intense workout, your muscles are sore, and recovery can last a few days. Micro-dosing CBD is an excellent way to reduce that time and find liberation from that discomfort throughout the day. If you take small amounts of cannabinoid-rich oil a few times daily, its possible to relieve muscle pain and shorten recovery. The faster your muscles are back to normal, the quicker you can get back to the gym.
That’s a good question. The two most common ways to micro-dose your CBD is with a tincture or vape juice e-liquid. Both options are easy to use, but if you’re looking for a discreet method, the CBD tincture is the way to go. Vaping is easy and can have less of a taste, but it does produce a vapor cloud and odor.
To micro-dose CBD with oil, take a quarter or half a serving size using the dropper in the bottle every few hours or whichever timeframe you find works best. Additionally, cannabinoid oils aren’t the tastiest items to ingest throughout the day. Try an all-natural peppermint flavor, instead.
When discretion is not a concern, consider vaping each CBD dosage. As mentioned, this method is easy, and you don’t have to worry much about taste with one or two puffs here and there.
The endocannabinoid system found in all mammals is a complex cell-signaling system that helps maintain balance in the body. When vital functioning systems in the body are low on internal chemicals, problems can develop with your wellbeing. The chemicals in organic compounds, such as hemp-based cannabinoids, may provide the boost your body needs to sustain stability. In return, CBD has the potential to improve functions where reduced levels were causing wellness deficiencies. Project CBD, a leading digital cannabinoid publication, explains,
“Life is filled with external stressors – pollution, poor sleep, that argument with your boss, the 24/7 news reports about the millions of people dying worldwide from the coronavirus. Thankfully the ECS works as a buffer to ensure our organisms don’t develop some kind of illness as a result. It also plays a crucial role in regulating fear, anxiety, and how we cope with stress.”
If you think “start low and go slow” sounds familiar, you’re right. It’s a mantra for hemp and cannabis that many medical professionals, brands, and distributors tell their clients and customers when they begin using CBD products. That’s because with cannabinoids, as mentioned, there isn’t a one-size-fits option that works for everyone or each wellness issue.
Traditional CBD dosing encourages consumers to start with 2.5MG to 5MG per dose or day and increase daily or weekly until you find the optimal amount. With CBD micro-dosing, the idea is to stay at that 2.5MG or 5MG for each serving. If you’re uncomfortable with 2.5MG, try 1MG at a time using a high-quality phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Additionally, you can achieve the same balance with one to two puffs of a CBD vape juice e-liquid once per hour or every other hour.
There are several factors to consider when determining how much of the hemp-derived compound you should take each day. Learn about your brand and the potency. Using a stronger CBD oil can further reduce side effects. It may also decrease how much you must purchase, which in turn can help save money. When you start low and go slow, you’ll find the CBD dosage that works best for you. It may take a few days or a few weeks to get to that sweet spot. To improve the results, always purchase products from a distributor you trust. EZlief premium grade, phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil, is available in up to 1500MG. Our products are ideal for CBD micro-dosing. They’re crafted using only quality carrier oils, including hemp seed, grape seed, and MCT oil derived from coconut that enhances its wellness benefits during the CO2 extraction process