CBD, a hemp plant extract, has many benefits. One advantage is the potential role between CBD and the immune system. In the age of international travel, viruses, and other infectious diseases are common. Any help the popular plant extract may offer to help peoples’ bodies fight disease naturally is vital.
You and all mammals have an endocannabinoid system, which is why CBD works for cats, dogs, horses, and people. Scientists are still studying and learning about the complex cell-signaling system. It was a theory until 1991 when researchers confirmed its existence by cloning the human CB1-R receptor.
There’s a vast amount of information about how the body interacts with various plants in nature so well. Cannabinoids are unique and the only known plant chemicals to have a “spare key” to the body’s core inner workings.
The ECS maintains balance throughout your body. It interacts with everything from the central nervous system to the reproductive system. The widespread reach of the ECS is one reason experts believe it plays a role in your immune system.
Scientists know CBD and the other phytocannabinoids in hemp interact with the ECS. It completes similar actions to endocannabinoids. However, with immunity, it’s even more complex. The endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids interact with the immune system in a few ways.
Experts known CBD has the potential to reduce inflammation, and people with sore muscles or joints can attest to this benefit. Additionally, there are dozens of studies that refer to the plant compound’s anti-inflammatory responses. Other investigations show it may stop the body from going into overdrive and instead reduces the immune system’s reaction.
If you’re confused about CBD’s potential to reduce the swelling from your sore knee and show positive results for people with autoimmune disorders, you’re not alone. But the science is there. Studies and testimonials show CBD and the ECS may work together to provide immune system responses.
Inflammation is your body’s response to free radical damage, injuries, and illness. It helps protect, repair, heal, and defend the body against everything from injuries to viruses and bacteria. Without active immunity, your body would take too long to heal. It could even lead to more significant health issues. People with compromised immune take vitamins and other natural supplements to boost their immunity against these foreign invaders.
Sometimes the system can malfunction and produce too much inflammation. To maintain proper function, you need balance. Consumers with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, and some thyroid conditions, are dealing with an overreaction of the immune system, which causes the body to “turn on itself.”
CBD is one of 113 cannabinoids in the hemp plant that has beneficial properties. The ECS appears to interact with the immune system, and CBD might mimic endocannabinoids. All scientists know is that CBD seems to reduce inflammation, which is not the same as increasing your immunity.
Research also suggests that CBD has antimicrobial characteristics. Studies have been forthcoming about the compound’s potential to fight MRSA, which is an antibiotic-resistant virus. Health Europa has investigated these claims and explains,
“They concentrated on Escherichia Coli bacteria, with the focus on its membrane vesicles, which the bacteria use to spread and communicate. What they discovered is that antibiotic’s ability to prevent the release of those membrane vesicles is enhanced by CBD. This means that CBD can be helpful in fighting specific bacteria as a tailored co-application with proper antibiotics.”
To simplify, CBD may improve the effectiveness of long-proven antibiotics. For example, many doctors recommend an increase in vitamin C to reduce the duration of colds and cases of flu. However, it won’t work if you take it only when you’re sick. Vitamin C is a daily supplement that you need to take daily for effectiveness. CBD is similar. For the best results, take the same dose daily.
Keep your body healthy to fight viruses and other illnesses. People are more susceptible to disease when they’re already sick. This is one reason people undergoing cancer treatments need to avoid any other conditions, even a simple cold virus, until they build their immune system back up.
The verdict is still out about CBD’s role in the immune system. However, there are plenty of ways the popular cannabinoid from the hemp plant may boost your immunity.
A phytocannabinoid-rich hemp extract can help you sleep better by reducing stress and anxious feelings. As mentioned, when you’re overly stressed and panicking, you’re not sleeping well. CBD has the potential to slow down your thinking and drive away from the day’s stresses, so you fall asleep fast. Many consumers report they toss and turn less than 30 minutes after taking a tincture. In addition, they sleep longer, with a duration of four to six hours for most consumers.
While CBD won’t motivate you to hit the gym more often, when you’re sleeping better and less stressed, you’re more likely to continue your wellness routine.
Yes, this information about CBD’s role in the immune system is new, and in the early stages of research. There’s no way to tell if the CBD oil you’re using has enough potency to play any significant role in your immune system. But professionals are sure that reducing stress, staying fit, and sleeping well can help you maintain a healthy immune system. Add EZlief phytocannabinoid-rich CBD tinctures to your daily routine and give your body and mind a natural boost.